When You are An Overwhelmed Mom

When You are An Overwhelmed Mom

There aren’t always solutions to parenting challenges other than sticking to what you are already doing. Time and patience are often all that is needed. This is easy to forget when you are an overwhelmed mom. Being a parent is a mission with long term goals requiring long term vision. When you are...

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Helping Kids Focus and Calm Down

Helping Kids Focus and Calm Down

This topic of helping our kids focus and calm down is always part of back to school season. We all want our children to thrive each year, and that means helping them learn to the best of their abilities. Actions and emotions of children – and adults – are effected by everything we do and eat....

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Outdoor Activities for Infants

Outdoor Activities for Infants

You can take an infant outdoors for a little play time. With a few simple activities and the right weather, you can get your little one exploring outside! I am always looking for outdoor activities for infants. It can be a little stifling to be indoors all day long, and most children do much...

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Studying Animal Migration School Age Activity

Studying Animal Migration School Age Activity

Kids are fascinated about animal migration and it’s because animals are smart, creative, and have special super powers. We can learn a great deal from studying animal migration. How animals master skills and overcome challenges are great lessons to study. Kids go through seasons in their life...

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Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am a mom who loves to encourage other mothers in the season of raising children, making a home and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. Click for more about what you will gain here at The SAHM Survival Guide.