Edible Earth Layers Model

Edible Earth Layers Model

Any activity that breaks down big concepts into smaller sizes for kids to grasp is a good idea. Models have always been a great way to help children absorb big lessons. This Jello Earth Layers Model is an edible way to show children how the earth is structured on the inside. We started our kids’...

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Writing Activities for 2-year-olds that are Safe and Helpful

Writing Activities for 2-year-olds that are Safe and Helpful

Writing activities for 2-year-olds will not look like preschool writing practice, or even kindergarten prep writing. Writing activities for 2-year-olds are unique fine motor activities that help toddlers feel empowered to learn. They learn to write and are encouraged through the process. But, not...

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Considering Summer Camps for Teens

Considering Summer Camps for Teens

He was ready, a little nervous, but ready to attend his first summer camp experience. With all our military moves, this was the first opportunity he had to plug in to a youth group. He was all in for summer camp. We as parents wanted to feel confident in the adult leaders and the group he was...

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Cheerio Counting: How to Use Up Black Construction Paper

Cheerio Counting: How to Use Up Black Construction Paper

I don’t know about your craft supply stash, but we tend to not use a lot of the black construction paper. As I was buying replacement packages of paper, the black was never running out. While teaching the twins in our homeschool preschool, I decided to use the black paper for a counting activity...

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As the World Is Falling Apart: I Am Going to Love My Family

As the World Is Falling Apart: I Am Going to Love My Family

It is a stressful time full of turmoil and unknowns. I am feeling pretty overwhelmed with a few life challenges. The stress of being a mother these days is so high. What I am doing is to focus on what I can control. What I can do in this time to create peace, is love my family. As I see the world...

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Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am a mom who loves to encourage other mothers in the season of raising children, making a home and staying focused on the end goals of motherhood. Click for more about what you will gain here at The SAHM Survival Guide.