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There is nothing like a fresh calendar for me. The new year brings fresh, open days. Nothing penciled in and nothing cluttering up the days. Until we reach about the second week of January! Then, I need more days in the week and more hours every day.

Mom life is busy! Busy in a good way. The type of busy that is focused on time spent wisely with our kids-not useless wasted time, but togetherness, quality and fun.

When I stare at the cramped calendar squares, each activity, appointment and reminder squeezed in, it makes me feel completely unorganized. There is something about neatness that gives me the idea that I may just have some grasp of this mom thing. 😉 The other part of me says, “I want a more organized life!”

Enter the most amazing, beautiful, dream scheduling tool that any wanna-be-organized mom needs. I surely feel much more organized after trying this amazing reusable calendar tool.

A More Organized Life

It really is the simple things that always have the biggest impact on getting our lives back on track and organized. This simple large dry erase wall calendar is uniquely able to keep my daily schedule in sight as well as in clearly organized order. (Order makes me happy!)

The key to a more organized life for me was a large dry erase wall calendar.

See what I mean? Simple!

The kids may need a little bit more instruction on keeping their toys organized and put away….but, my calendar rocks! 😉

The dry erase wall calendar I have is 3 ft by 4 ft. I stuck it right up on one wall in our dining/kitchen area with push pins. If you are concerned about the pins falling out of the wall, you can use a double stick foam tape, or nails to hang your calendar up.

This is exactly how to have a more organized life!

I can list every activity for our family in one place. There is enough space for everything.

With 3 of our 4 kids in after school activities, plus my work at home commitments, and our homeschool field trips, this calendar is perfect! And everyone can see what is going on each day!

This dry erase wall calendar is great for teachers, busy moms and dads, home-based businesses, and churches or other organizations. I highly recommend if you want a more organized life, that you get this helpful dry erase wall calendar.

What is your favorite tool to stay organized?

Homemaking tips Tuesdays where you find quick tips for keeping a clean and organized home.

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